Monday, April 7, 2014

LGU Gensan to brighten up city

GENERAL SANTOS CITY (28 July 2013) - The Local Government Unit (LGU) of General Santos City moves forward  with its project to brighten up dark areas of the city due to lack of street lights.

In a July 23 meeting with local power executives, Mayor Ronnel Rivera said the city is planning to lighten up the city thoroughfares with its street lighting program.

Aside from being one of the promises that Rivera made during the campaign, the mayor cited that it has been a long-time clamor of some of the residents that their streets be illuminated for safety and crime prevention purposes.

 “The presence of street lights is necessary to increase the visibility of an area, thus minimizing crime incidents,” said Rivera.

He cited examples of areas that have no proper illumination as Apopong to Blagan Road, Upper Labay and MSU-GSC Campus.

Mayor Rivera also said that Light Emitting Diodes (LED) lamps will replace some of the less power-efficient sodium street lights like those in Pioneer Avenue to reduce power cost and increase proficiency in the use of electricity.

Engr. Rodolfo Ocat, general manager of South Cotabato II Electric Cooperative (SOCOTECO II), in a meeting with the mayor also said that implementation of the street lighting program has already started.

Ocat added the city’s move to use LED lamps is well thought of because this would reduce the expense of maintenance to power lines, electrical posts and reduce power usage. (GENSAN INFO OFFICE/ Ian John Lagare)

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